13 Highly Effective Ways to Protect Your Hair While Sleeping

13 Highly Effective Ways to Protect Your Hair While Sleeping

10 min read

What are some of the best ways to protect your hair while sleeping at night? Continue reading to learn more.

We all love having beautiful hair that looks healthy and shiny from all angles. It is the ultimate self-esteem booster - and during the day, we do everything to take care of it in the best possible way. But did you know that you can also take care of it at night?

In this article, we will tell you all of our secrets on the best ways to protect your hair while sleeping at night. Let’s get started:

What happens to my hair while I am sleeping?

Before we explain the basics of the best ways to protect your hair while sleeping, let's answer one important question: exactly what happens to it at night? Why do you need to do anything in the first place?

The answer is simple:

When you are sleeping, your body does a lot of involuntary movements to accommodate its position. When this happens, it causes friction between your hair and your pillow, which can lead to breakage - especially if you have thin or fine hair.

In other words, your delicate hair is rubbing against different surfaces, which may cause damage if you aren’t taking the right measures. And now, let's take a deeper look at what that means and how to protect hair during sleep:

How to protect your hair while sleeping: 13 effective ways

1. Dry your hair before going to sleep

We have already discussed how ironing wet hair can be extremely damaging for your hair, but going to sleep with wet hair can be just as damaging. 

When your hair is wet, it becomes more elastic, making it more prone to stretching and snapping when manipulated - which in turn, leads to damage. 

Wet hair also loses its strength as water breaks the hydrogen bonds that hold the hair shaft together, becoming more susceptible to damage. 

For this reason, it’s important to ensure that you never go to sleep with wet hair. If you washed it at night, make sure it’s fully dry - or you can simply opt for washing it in the morning.

2. Avoid going to sleep with tight hairstyles

If you are wondering how to protect your hair while sleeping at night, one of the best ways to wear hair to bed to prevent breakage is to avoid going to sleep with a tight hairstyle. This type of hairstyle puts excessive stress on the hair shafts, causing them to weaken and break.  

And while we are on the topic of friction, collecting your hair way too tight also causes additional friction and rubbing, which can lead to breakage. Especially when this happens over an extended period of time, such as sleeping for a few hours.

So, what should you do with your hair when you sleep? You can opt for one of these options:

  • Tying up your hair loosely in a low ponytail with a soft fabric tie or a scrunchie
  • Going to sleep with your hair fully down
  • Tying up your hair in a loose braid or bun
  • Gather your hair into a loose bun at the crown of your head with a soft fabric

By going for one of these options, you can prevent the hair from getting damaged, and reduce the strain that’s being put on your scalp. Excessive use of tight hairstyles can lead to multiple hair problems, including alopecia. 

3. Detangle your hair before bed

Next on our list of tips on how to protect hair while sleeping is making sure that it’s brushed and detangled before going to bed. By doing this, you will remove the dozens of knots and tangles that have accumulated during the day, and reduce the friction and pulling at night.

Friction and pulling cause damage - remember?

However, detangling your hair before bad has multiple other benefits, including:

  • Reducing the amount of hair that sheds while you sleep
  • Preserving the overall volume and thickness of your hair
  • Preventing matting - the damaging result of tangled hair clumped together
  • Promoting healthy hair growth as it allows for proper circulation to the hair follicles

And last but not least, brushing your hair with a gentle brush or detangling comb helps to distribute the natural oils produced by the scalp to the rest of the hair.

4. Eat a diet rich in protein and Omega-3 fatty acids

If you want to protect your hair while sleeping, another important aspect to it that we shouldn’t forget about is leading a balanced lifestyle, and making sure that you are eating a lot of hair-healthy foods rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and Omega-3 fatty acids.

This includes, but is not limited to eggs, fish, leafy greens, nuts and seeds, olive oil, yogurt, avocado and more.

A lot of restorative and regenerative processes happen precisely at night, which means that you can use this to your advantage and effectively protect your hair while sleeping.

5. Wash your bedding frequently

If you needed a reminder to wash your bedding, here it is! Sleeping on dirty sheets and pillowcases means that you will be rolling in a build-up of dirt, oil, sweat and hair products which accumulate from previous days and weeks.

This creates the “perfect” breeding ground for bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. As time goes by, this build-up will transfer to your hair, which can lead to scalp issues and irritation, which can be especially damaging if you have thin and delicate hair.

6. Avoid using harsh chemicals when washing your bedding

And while we are on the topic of bedding, keep in mind that the harsh detergents and fabric softeners can cause irritation to your scalp and skin. 

So, if you are looking to protect your hair while sleeping, opt for products with gentle and more natural ingredients instead. 

how to protect your hair while sleeping

7. Use a silk or satin pillowcase

While silk and satin pillowcases may be pricier than regular cotton ones, the investment may be absolutely worth it. That’s because these materials are smoother than cotton and reduce friction significantly, which in turn helps to minimize hair breakage, split ends and tangling.

In addition, cotton pillowcases absorb the moisture and hair products from your hair, potentially causing it to become dry and brittle. 

In contrast, silk and satin pillowcases don’t absorb the moisture and hair products as much, keeping your hair moisturized while retaining the natural oils in it.

8. Control the temperature and humidity levels of the bedroom

As we mentioned earlier, hair is a very delicate creature, and even factors such as temperature and humidity levels in the room can have a negative impact on it. So, if you are wondering how to protect your hair while sleeping at night, aim for a humidity level of 30-50%, and a room temperature of 65-75°F (18-24°C).

Air that’s too hot can cause your scalp to sweat, leading to odor and greasy hair, among other scalp issues such as dandruff. On the contrary, air that’s too cold will make your hair shafts constrict, potentially leading to hair that’s brittle and more prone to breakage.

Last but not least, dry air will strip the natural moisture and oils from your hair, making it drier, frizzier, and more difficult to manage. Using a humidifier in your bedroom is a great option for keeping your hair shiny and healthy.

9. Keep your hair well-hydrated

If you want to protect your hair while sleeping, make sure that you keep it well-hydrated all day and night. Start with a hydrating shampoo, conditioner and hair mask such as the NuMe Vegan Tourmaline Hair Care set, which is paraben-free and rich in essential amino-acids.

Made with tourmaline powder, hydrolyzed quinoa and argan oil, this powerful trio not only helps to replenish dryness with intense moisture, but also smooths out frizz and split ends.

how to protect your hair while sleeping - use tourmaline hair care set

10. Sleep with a satin or silk scarf

To reduce friction even further, you can opt for sleeping with a satin or silk bonnet or scarf instead of sleeping with your hair down or tying it up in any shape or form.

Simply wrap your hair in a satin or silk scarf before going to sleep - this will maintain the moisture of your hair and prevent tangles and knots from appearing overnight.

11. Avoid elastic bands

If you want to learn how to protect your hair while sleeping, another important thing that you will have to keep in mind is avoiding elastic bands. Elastic bands, especially if they are tightly secured, can lead to a lot of damage because they add extra tension and stress to the hair.

Over time, repeated use of tight elastic bands can weaken the hair shaft and increase the risk of breakage, especially at the points where the elastic bands are secured. Instead, opt for ties with soft fabrics or scrunchies.

12. Avoid rough sleeping positions

While this is something that is not always within our control as we are unconscious while sleeping, avoid sleeping in rough positions whenever possible. 

This includes sleeping on your stomach, sleeping with your hair under your head, as well as sleeping with your hair tightly pulled back. These positions only worsen the friction between your hair and the surfaces of the bed and the pillowcase, leading to hair breakage, frizz and tangles.

13. Limit the use of heat styling tools before bed

And last on our list on how to protect your hair while sleeping is to limit the use of heat styling tools before going to sleep, especially if you are using low-quality heat styling tools made from cheap materials.

The main reason why is that using heat styling tools before bed can exacerbate this moisture loss as your hair is more likely to rub against your pillowcase, potentially causing more friction and further drying out your hair.


What is the best way to wear your hair when you sleep?

The best way to wear your hair when you sleep is loosely tied up in a low ponytail or a bun, with a soft fabric tie or scrunchie. As an alternative, you can also wrap your hair in a silk or a satin scarf or bonnet to help with moisture retention and reduce friction.

Is it good to cover your hair while sleeping?

Yes, covering your hair while sleeping can be beneficial, especially if you use a satin or silk pillowcase or a hair wrap. These materials can reduce friction between your hair and the pillowcase, minimizing hair breakage, frizz, and tangles.

How can I protect my short hair while sleeping? 

To protect short hair while sleeping, use a satin or a silk pillowcase. Make sure that you aren’t tying up your hair in tight hairstyles, and keep your hair clean and dry before going to sleep.

Is it better to sleep with hair up or down?

When it comes to sleeping with your hair up or down, the choice is yours. What's crucial is protecting your hair from friction while you sleep. You can do this by gently tying your hair back in a loose ponytail, braid, or bun using silk or satin scrunchies. And if you sleep with your hair down, try using a silk or satin pillowcase for added protection against friction.

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If we have to wash our hair before bed, which option is better or worse: using a blow dryer before bed or sleeping with it wet?


I have short hair and when I wake up in the morning I look like Einstein. What can I do to keep my hair looking good when I wake up? Please Help!

June Taylor

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