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Varita rizadora automática NuMe

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What you will get inside:

19mm (3/4 inch)

25mm (1 inch)

32mm (1-1/4 inch)

Perfect for your special occasions:

Weddings and formal events

Dates or special nights out


Parties or social events





¿Buscas rizos perfectos sin complicaciones? Nuestro rizador automático gira para crear rizos u ondas naturales para cabello medio a largo, con 3 cilindros de cerámica de turmalina intercambiables. Obtenga resultados dignos de un salón de belleza en casa y ahorre tiempo y dinero con esta innovadora herramienta de peinado.

Rango de temperatura: 170°F - 410°F

About the product

 19mm (3/4 inch)

19mm (3/4 inch)

The 19mm (3/4 inch) automatic curling wand from NuMe is a powerful tool designed to make achieving perfectly styled curls quick and easy. The barrel is made of high-grade tourmaline ceramic, which ensures even heat distribution and minimizes heat damage to the hair.

 25mm (1 inch)

25mm (1 inch)

The 25mm (1 inch) Automatic Curling Wand from NuMe is a hair styling tool that can help you achieve beautiful, salon-quality curls effortlessly. The barrel is made from tourmaline ceramic, which helps distribute heat evenly throughout your hair, reducing the risk of damage.

 32mm (1-1/4 inch)

32mm (1-1/4 inch)

The 32mm (1-1/4 inch) Automatic Curling Wand from NuMe is a hair styling tool that uses advanced technology to create salon-quality curls effortlessly. The wand features an automatic rotating barrel that curls hair quickly and easily, while a ceramic tourmaline-infused barrel protects hair from damage and adds shine.


1. Select your barrel size of choice.
2. Hold the power button for 3 seconds to turn on the curling iron. Use the + and - buttons to adjust the temperature.
3. Select a small section of hair, open the clip to clamp the end of your hair.
4. Click and hold the LEFT or RIGHT arrow to begin automatic rotation in desired direction.
5. Keep hair on the barrel for 3-8 seconds, then press the HOME button to loosen the tension and return the barrel to the starting position. Open the clamp to release the hair.

This set comes with 3 interchangeable tourmaline ceramic barrels. A 19mm, 25mm, and 32mm barrel with short clip.

The temperature ranges from 290°F to 410°F (143°C to 210°C)


Yes, the tool will automatically shut off after 60 minutes (sleep mode), you can customize the time to be set in increments of 10 minutes.

After powering on the tool, hold down the left arrow button to increase or decrease the time before the tool goes into sleep mode. The number that appears will show how many minutes the tool will stay on before automatically shutting off. Use the increase and decrease arrows to adjust the number of minutes before the tool enters sleep mode.

Yes, there is a short clip to hold the hair in place as the barrel rotates.

When the barrel has completely cooled down, press the rose gold button located at the top of the base (on the opposite side of the clamp) to release the barrels.