NuMe Celebrates International Women's Day
9 min readIn honor of International Women's Day, we sat down with some of the ladies of Team NuMe to learn a little bit more about them.
Q: Where are you from?
Sabrina M.: I’m from Germany. I think being from Gemany molded me to be very detail -oriented. I see this trait as a strength because it plays a big part in what I do. It pushes me to always strive for the best in everything that I put my heart into.
Naira A.: I’m from Armenia. I would say that the culture definitely shaped me to be more strict, considerate, and sensitive about everything that I do.
Rosa F.: I grew up in the Philippines where life was not always easy. Growing up in a developing country taught me to work hard, to be grateful for what I have, and to appreciate the love and support I've always received from my family. I've learned that life can be full of challenges but as long as you persevere, challenges often turn into great opportunities.
Jannel O.: I was born and raised in the Philippines. Growing up there really made me value family and structure in my life. It helped me face all the challenges with optimism and faith in myself and everyone around me.
Cynthia M.: I'm a first-generation Mexican-American, my parents came from Mexico and seeing the dedication that they had to give us a better life is what made me a strong woman today.
Fabiola R.: I was born in Nicaragua and came as an immigrant when I was two years old. I think knowing that I've been giving opportunities that otherwise in my country wouldn't have been possible has helped me appreciate education and anything I'm blessed with.
Sabrina G.: I am from Oahu, Hawaii, and that has given me a deeper appreciation of my hometown and the communities that have shaped me. They have taught me the spirit of aloha, which is a feeling of being warmed and welcomed with no judgment, which is something I try to share with everyone I come across.
Lisa M.: I'm from Los Angeles and I think the diverse community I grew up in really made me appreciate & respect different cultures I was surrounded by.
Q: What do you love about yourself?
Sabrina M.: My hair. It’s what started it all, it was a personal hair journey and struggles that ignited my passion to start NuMe. I also love how it allows you to become more creative and expressive in so many different ways.
Rosa F.:I love that I am independent, happy, and free to be myself.
Jannel O.: It took me a long time to realize this but I’ve recently learned to love how I see things from unconventional angles and do things my way.
Cynthia M.: The fact that I'm a mom, and I can have fun and be crazy like have blue hair and have jello fights with my kids and make slime with glitter and toy soldiers in them.
Fabiola R.: I love that I'm hardworking, and I always try and see everything in a positive light.
Sabrina G.: I'm kind and empathetic and a great listener.
Lisa M.: What I love about myself is my willingness to be patient and learn new things!
Q: What excites you the most?
Sabrina M.: Creating and helping other people through my creations excites and inspires me the most. I love how I can reach so many people with my passion to create.
Naira A.: My kids, they are the reason why I do everything. They give everything I want and they’re my everything.
Rosa F.: I'm most excited about exploring the unknown, places I haven't traveled to yet, things I have yet to learn, and food I have yet to try.
Jannel O.: As of right now, travelling and fashion excites me the most. Exploring different places and learning about fashion make my life outside my career more exciting and interesting. Oh, and my sister’s dog is the love of my lfe and I’m obsessed with him!
Cynthia M.: What gets me excited about life is looking forward to my next hair dye session, that's my ME time, and to see the look on my kid's faces when I get them a new toy or the excitement I see in them when I tell them "let's go play mud outside".
Fabiola R.: Creating memories with my family and seeing my nieces, nephews, and kids get older.
Sabrina G.: When I think about the things that make me passionate and going after them.
Lisa M.: Traveling brings much excitement to my life, from exploring museums to trying new foods.
Q: What motivates you?
Sabrina M.: I believe that you should do your best in everything you do. If you don’t want to give your best, it’s not worth doing at all.
Naira A.: Definitely my kids and family. I always do my best to provide for them and give them everything they want and need.
Cynthia M.: What motivates me is my children, knowing that I'm doing everything for them and me knowing that they back me up as well as my husband is all the motivation I need. :)
Fabiola R.: My children, I hope to be the best example for them.
Sabrina G.: Thinking about my future children and how proud I want them to be of me.
Lisa M.: My favorite part about being a woman is we have so much history and many of us continue to strive to make the world a better place.
Q: What advice would you give your younger self?
Sabrina M.: Have patience. Be patience with everything because the best things in life are worth waiting for.
Naira A.: Don’t be naive and don’t trust people too quickly. Also to know people more before putting all your trust on them.
Rosa F.: Believe in yourself!
Jannel O.: I would tell myself not to don’t take everything too seriously and everything is going to work out.
Cynthia M.: *You are going to go through a LOT of sh*t don't give up! because it is all worth it in the end.
Sabrina G.: Don't be too hard on yourself, everything works out in the end. Also, lock your tweezers away in middle school. Your eyebrows will thank you later.
Lisa M.: The advice I would give my younger self is that it's okay to make mistakes and it'll just further you to becoming a better person.
Q: What's your favorite part about being a woman?
Sabrina M.: In some ways, it’s harder to be a woman in the workplace. My favorite thing about being a woman is that I can basically do most things that men can while wearing high heels. I love how I can own my power and strengths while still embracing my femininity
Rosa F.: My favorite part of being a woman is the profound support system of women in my life - my mother, my aunts, my sisters, girlfriends, colleagues. The support women devote to each other is what makes being a woman special.
Jannel O.: Definitely my intuition and unspoken bond with other women. I love how women are always on point when it comes to our gut feelings and also how we always find ways to support and uplift each other through good and bad times.
Cynthia M.: My body and my hair, and getting strange looks from men when they see, me a 5'3 woman getting out of my big Hummer truck.
Fabiola R.: That I was able to become a mom and still manage to have a career and life of my own. I'm not ever defined by any label.
Sabrina G.: Getting free drinks, getting free flights, and making a man feel like he's dumber than a woman. That combo almost makes up for the wage gap.
Lisa M.: My favorite part about being a woman is we have so much history and many of us continue to strive to make the world a better place.
Q: If you had the opportunity, who would you want to trade lives with?
Sabrina M.: I wouldn’t want to trade it with anyone. I’m satisfied and happy with what I have, the grass is always greener on the other side but it’s important to focus and be grateful with what you have.
Naira A.: I wouldn’t trade my life with anyone. I think my life is the way that it is for a reason, I’m happy about it and I’m living the life that I’ve made for myself. I have nothing to complain about andI love it!
Rosa F.: Hermione Granger. Because she is passionate, intuitive, and incredibly brave. She is courageous enough to stand up for what she believes in. And she has never let fear stop her from overcoming the greatest obstacles.
Jannel O.: Anna Wintour. I just adore how she could be unapologetically brilliant and a tad bit shady at times while still maintaining her classy and mysterious aura.
Cynthia M.: I don't think I would want to. I love my life and everyone in it.
Fabiola R.: Chrissy Tiegen. She just tweets as my alter ego.
Sabrina G.: Probably Nicki Minaj honestly. She's such a bad b*tch.
Lisa M.: If I could trade lives with one female it would be Kim Gordon. She is an amazing musician who has influenced so many women musicians from different generations and speaks up for different causes I truly believe in.
We’d love to learn more about you too! Tell us what you love the most about being a woman in International Women’s Day post on our instagram for a chance to win a NuMe care package!