Why You Should Have a Vegan Hair Care Routine

10 min read

There are many benefits of a vegan hair care routine as it involves the use of all-natural and/or toxin-free hair care products. Being vegan isn’t limited to changing your diet plans and food preferences. It is a lifestyle change that covers everything, from what quality vegan food you eat to which health and beauty care products you use.

Veganism is becoming popular around the world, and many people are now abstaining from using animal products. The rapid increase in veganism has given rise to the clean beauty trend that is gradually spreading worldwide. This trend and concept brought people’s attention to the methods of production that small-scale and major beauty care companies were using. Testing beauty and hair care products on animals, using animal-derived ingredients, etc., negatively impact the environment. 

For that reason, several responsible companies, including the renowned brand NuMe, focus on introducing only clean, vegan hair care products and educating their happy customers. You can make a move to a healthy vegan hair care routine by using vegan hair products. 

In this article, you will learn the importance of a vegan hair care routine and its numerous benefits.

Importance of the Clean Beauty Trend and Vegan Hair Care Routine

The clean beauty trend is gaining traction, with many people switching to cruelty-free makeup brands, makeup products, and skincare. This trend gained hype and entered the hair care products industry quite quickly. Therefore, many people now trust or purchase from only those companies that excel in the production of clean beauty and hair care products. 

Let’s take a brief look at the importance of this trend and why a vegan hair care routine matters.

Clean Beauty 

Clean beauty refers to the use of green and natural skincare and beauty products, ranging from all-natural to completely toxin-free health and beauty products. For a long time, people only considered all-natural products to be a part of clean beauty. But that’s not the case now. Since the clean beauty movement is becoming popular so quickly, “preservative-free” products are another buzz.

You must realize that most products we use have synthetic chemical composition and preservatives. However, among the long list of these ingredients, some safe synthetics and safe preservatives come directly from ethical lab sources. These safe synthetic ingredients don’t cause any harmful skin or hair damage because they don’t include toxins. Therefore, all-natural clean beauty extends to the use of safe and healthy synthetic ingredients used in beauty products today. 

A Vegan Hair Care Routine

What is a vegan hair care routine? Are there any benefits of a vegan hair care routine? Well, as the name suggests, it involves using vegan hair products to maintain the health and beauty of your hair. These products are environmentally friendly, provide better long-term hair health, ensure animal safety, and more.

Many non-vegan products have animal-driven ingredients. Animal farming and killing or beauty products testing on animals are some other reasons for deforestation. When you switch from non-vegan products to vegan hair products, you can make a significant contribution to saving the environment. And that’s what the clean beauty trend is all about: nature preservation.

Which Hair Product Ingredients Are Non-Vegan?

You will find many products claiming to be “all-natural” in different markets. Although they appear legit, some products may have animal-driven ingredients (in small amounts). The list of ingredients may not clearly state animal-based items. In this case, learning which ingredients come from animal bodies can help you detect which hair care products are non-vegan. Many ingredients such as glycerine, hyaluronic acid, keratin, and miel (honey) come from animals. 

There is a longer list of animal-derived ingredients; knowing these ingredients can help you make the right selection for your hair health and also save the planet. This will help you abstain from incorporating animal-derived products in your vegan hair care routine. Here are a few ingredients mostly sourced from animals and their cruelty-free alternatives.

Stearic Acid

This acid comes from animal fat. Manufacturers usually source them from the fat of pigs, sheep, and cows. However, it is also present in shea and cocoa butter, which eliminates the need for sourcing them from animals. Vegetable fats also contain stearic acid. You will mainly find animal-driven stearic acid in conditioners and hairsprays.


Biotin mainly serves the purpose of adding texture to hair products. It is rich in Vitamin B as it comes from milk and yeast. You will find it frequently in many shampoos, conditioners, and hair creams. It is also derivable from plant sources.

Hyaluronic Acid

Manufacturers derive this acid from the synovial joint fluid and umbilical cords of animals. Therefore, it has toxins and the risk of causing hair damage. However, it is present in plant oils, and you can find synthetic versions as well. You will come across hyaluronic acid in hair moisturizing products.


Keratin is present in the horns, feathers, hooves, quills, and hair of several animals. It is a common ingredient in hair restoration shampoos and other hair products such as hair masks. The alternatives for animal-derived keratin include human hair, soy protein, amla oil, and almond oil.


Producers use gelatin to manufacture shampoos and hair gels. This protein comes from boiling water with the tendons, bones, skin, and ligaments of pigs and cows. The alternatives include silica gel, fruit pectin, seaweeds, Irish moss, and kelp.

Cruelty-Free Isn’t the Only Vegan Requirement

You must know that stating “cruelty-free” on the label of a product doesn’t mean that the hair care product is entirely vegan. It only means that animal testing with respective beauty products didn’t take place during production. Therefore, check for animal-driven ingredients rather than relying on the “cruelty-free” tags.

A Brand’s Catalogue May Not Have All-Vegan Products 

If a brand offers certain high-demand vegan hair care routine products, it doesn’t necessarily mean that all other products they offer are vegan as well. While certain skincare and hair care beauty products companies have a reputation for creating organic, cruelty-free, and natural products, some products may still contain non-vegan ingredients.

What are the Major Benefits of a Vegan Hair Care Routine?

Clean beauty covers a broad spectrum, such as health and wellness, ethics, social responsibility, environmental friendliness, and natural cosmetics. Consumers are learning more and more about the benefits of a vegan hair care routine, thanks to the efforts of ethical and responsible hair products and styling businesses. As a result, consumers are becoming more sensitive and conscious about the products they use on their bodies and hair. 

Remember, veganism has an impact on the way consumers choose their health and beauty care products. Apart from vegan hair products, consumers are now opting for vegan clothing, vegan food, etc. This will potentially lead to a decline in animal cruelty and forceful animal testing to launch beauty and other natural products in the markets.

However, some consumers still don’t know of the many animal-driven ingredients in the shampoos, moisturizers, conditioners, and hair masks that they use in their hair care routines. An authentic vegan hair product brand like NuMe offers natural, organic, and often plant-sourced or safe-synthetics and chemicals-based products to its worldwide customers.

An Ethical Approach

Learning that the products that you use are vegan and ethically sourced gives you a sense of peace and freedom. Why is that? Well, you become part of a trend that aims to preserve nature and focus on making healthy hair care products mainstream. By choosing a vegan hair care routine, you play your part in saving animals and the environment. Hence, you have a clear conscience that doesn’t burden your mind but rather gives you peace of making the world a better place.

Animal Cruelty-Free

One of the main benefits of using vegan products is they don’t involve animal testing or cruelty. Many brands claim their products are cruelty-free or do not have animal-driven ingredients. But you have to be careful and check the labels before making a purchase. Some companies deceive the consumers by not stating all the ingredients. Therefore, when you are buying hair care products, check the label closely to make sure they are cruelty-free. In this case, you can trust NuMe as we offer high-quality hot tools and hair care - all of our hair care is vegan and uses high-quality ingredients.

Better Hair Health

Another major benefit of using vegan hair products is that you will preserve and improve your hair health by avoiding the use of silicones and parabens. Parabens cause your hair to become extremely dry, and some studies suggest paraben can be a cause of cancer. However, there is a need for more concrete evidence and studies to prove this. 

Parabens are also present in some vegan hair products; therefore, you must go through their labels carefully. Moreover, they attach to your hair which makes it difficult to wash off paraben. On the other hand, silicones increase the weight of your hair, causing them to fall downwards over a certain period. 

But the natural ingredients present in vegan hair products don’t carry such risks and hair damage potential. These plant-based and natural ingredients include coconut butter, aloe vera, argan oil, shea butter, and more. They also contain natural vitamins, minerals, and healthy extracts that nourish and moisturize your hair effectively.

Natural and Toxin-Free Scents

Did you know that vegan hair products have delicious smells? This is due to the naturally sourced ingredients used in these products that have natural scents. Most importantly, these products are toxin-free and made of safe synthetics in most cases. 

Environmental Friendliness

An additional plus point of incorporating a vegan hair care routine is that the ingredients are biodegradable, unlike their synthetic and unsafe alternatives. This promotes environmental friendliness because they also come in recyclable packaging. Overall, using vegan hair products means that you are reducing your carbon footprint on the planet.

What Sets the NuMe Vegan Hair Products Apart?

Multiple mainstream hair products brands are not fulfilling their role as responsible leaders of the hair care industry. However, you can trust NuMe, and rest assured as we offer premium quality products that comply with all safety standards. We abstain from animal testing, animal cruelty, and the use of unsafe synthetics or chemicals.

Our products include premium quality hot tools and vegan hair care products for our customer base of over 2 million in over 50 countries in the world. We realize the benefits of a vegan hair care routine, and this sets us apart from our competition. Thus, we know what our customers want when they are out in the market looking for environmentally friendly products.

NuMe takes pride in its cruelty-free practices and ensures to create toxin-free products keeping hair health in mind. Besides, our team at NuMe is passionate about promoting awareness among customers about the benefits of a vegan hair care routine and how it contributes to the environment.


You may think that switching to a vegan lifestyle has little to no impact on nature. However, every small step counts, and using vegan beauty and hair care products is not only good for you but for the environment. Using chemical-based products with animal-derived ingredients is not beneficial for your hair health in the long run. 

Plus, you will feel a burden of conscience, realizing the products you use involve animal cruelty. It won’t let you enjoy taking care of your hair, and you may also not get the desired results.

On the other hand, when you are using vegan hair products, you enjoy many benefits, such as maintaining hair health while protecting the environment. Further, it encourages the movement and awareness about the clean beauty trend. This ultimately leads to businesses realizing the need to avoid animal testing, animal cruelty, and other unethical practices when creating beauty and hair care products. 

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