2019 Update: Wipe Right! How to Clean Styling Tools
4 min read*PRO TIP OF THE SAFETY VARIETY: This probably goes without saying but we're going to say it anyway: don't submerge any of your heat styling tools in liquid. If any part of you is thinking liquid cleaning solution + curling wand, abort your mission immediately. Heat styling tools and contact with any liquid is a thousand percent no-go.
*PRO TIP OF THE FYI VARIETY: Lay off swabbing any of your heat-styling tools with alcohol. The protective matte coating on a lot of the NuMe tools offers a stellar grip to the user. If you rub alcohol on it, it erodes this "soft touch" technology. Why would you want to risk messing with a "soft touch?!"
Our Microfiber Hair Wrap doubles as a great cleaning cloth, and if you don't have it or something like it, a cotton ball also works. Swipe your tools after each use (or every few uses), to ensure your tools remain in tip-top shape.
Cleaning Wands and Straighteners
Keeping your curling wands and straighteners relatively clear of dust, grime, and build-up, makes them live longer and keeps them up to snuff for full hair-shining potential. Make it a regular habit (at least once a week, or after each use if you are super disciplined / never in a hurry), and it won't get to the point of no return (i.e., the point where you have to replace it because it's not working as well).
- Make sure the tool is unplugged!
- While the tool is still warm, use something along the lines of our hair wrap to gently wipe down the barrel and or plates.
- Use a cotton swab or pipe cleaner (the latter might only apply to those who maintain a crafting closet at home, props to you) to scrape any dust or grime from the hard-to-reach places and around the on/off switches.
Cleaning Hair Dryers
The dust and lint that gets trapped in the back of your dryer will blow onto your hair, in case you need an additional incentive for doing the necessary dirty work. Also, if you don't take the time to clean it, the dirt and product can build up to the point that you might start to notice a burning smell after using the dryer—don't let it get to that point.
- Make sure the dryer is unplugged!
- Gently unscrew the grill that covers the back of the dryer.
- Blow the actual grill to remove dust and lint; get hard-to-reach places with a cotton swab or pipe cleaner.
- Same goes for the area the back grill covers; blow dust and lint away then use a cotton swab or pipe cleaner to wipe the rest carefully. You can also use the microfiber cloth, and make sure you wash it afterward.
- Use a pipe cleaner or cotton swab to wipe the grill of the nozzle.
- Wipe the nozzle and body of the dryer down with the microfiber cloth.
Cleaning Hair Brushes and Combs
Your brush is full of hair, dust, and oil. If you don't want to keep transferring all that back onto your head, you need to make sure you clean your brush consistently.
- Get all the hair out, either with your fingers, a comb, or a tool designed explicitly for hair-from-brush-removal (yes, it's a thing, and they sell it at ULTA)!
- Combine one part ammonia and four parts hot water.
- Soak brushes in the ammonia & water solution for at least 30 minutes.
- Use an old toothbrush dipped in soapy water to clean comb tongs and the crevices in between.
- If your brush is made of wood or rubber, skip the soaking and also do the toothbrush technique.
- Rinse brushes and combs well under running water, shake them, and blot with a towel.
- Air dry them on a towel overnight.
If you are rushing off to clean your hair supplies right now, we're glad you feel inspired. You (or someone who loves you) invested hard-earned coins in these tools, so it's essential to know how to clean your hair styling tools and take good care of them! For more hair tips and style inspiration, be sure to follow us on Instagram @NuMeHair. Sign up for our NuMe Rewards & Loyalty Program to earn points so that you'll be on your way to achieving gifts, products, tools, and even tickets to exclusive NuMe events!
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Author: Mary Patterson Broome