Suffering From These 10 Common Hair Problems? Here’s How to Fix Them

Suffering From These 10 Common Hair Problems? Here’s How to Fix Them

12 min read

Suffering from these common hair problems? Here are some of the most effective solutions for how to fix these hair problems.

Having strong, beautiful, healthy-looking hair is the ultimate confidence goal for most of us. It makes us look and feel our best, reflects our overall health, and gives us higher self-esteem that spreads across all areas of our lives.

However, hair is also extremely delicate, and just a small change in our lifestyle can cause issues that can be challenging to fix. Factors such as genetics, diet, hair care routine, medication, hormones, and stress, all contribute to how healthy our hair is.

In this article, we will take a look at some of the most common hair problems that people face, and and explore some effective solutions for how to fix them.

What are the main causes of hair issues?

As we mentioned briefly, there are many factors that can lead to potential hair issues, and they can combine and build up over time.

Quite often, even if you are doing many things right - such as leading an active style and eating the best foods for healthy hair, you may still encounter problems due to hormonal imbalance, medications, or a poorly executed thermal hair styling routine.

So, let’s take a quick look at some of them:

  • Genetics - genetics not only determines the hair texture and thickness of the hair, but may also play a role in hair conditions like split ends, frizzy hair and alopecia.
  • Diet - poor nutrition leads to deficiencies in proteins, vitamins and minerals in the hair follicles, which are responsible for keeping the hair strong and healthy.
  • Hair routine - an improper hair routine that includes excessive heat, harsh hair brushing, or flat ironing hair while wet or dirty can lead to a lot of damage.
  • Stress - stress causes a change in our hormonal levels, makes the scalp produce more oil, and affects our ability to absorb nutrients - leading to various health issues.
  • Hormones - hormonal imbalances, for example a decrease in estrogen, can lead to hair loss. On another hand, too much testosterone may lead to hair thinning.
  • Medication - although it’s not as common, some medications can cause hair loss because they interfere with the normal cycle of scalp hair growth.
  • Environment - environmental factors, such as pollution and sun exposure can impact the overall health of the hair by affecting the proteins found in the hair.

These are just some of the factors that lead to the most common hair problems in men and women, so it’s important to consider all of them when looking for the best solution.

How can I fix my hair problems?

Fixing some hair problems is not always straightforward, and in some cases, it may require a consultation with a specialist - especially in situations like alopecia. Generally, you will have to find the root of the problem so you can find the most effective treatment.

However, in a lot of cases, fixing your hair problem is an issue that you can solve on your own by making a few tweaks to your lifestyle or hair care routine. We will cover all the cases in the next section.

Disclaimer: NuMe is not a medical specialist. So, if you are in doubt that something more serious is causing your hair issues, such as a health condition or a type of medication, please seek help from a specialist.

What are the most common hair problems?

Now that we have cleared out some key questions, let's take a look at the most common hair issues that people have:

1. Dry hair

While genetics and hormonal imbalance could play a role when it comes to dry hair, it is most commonly caused by:

  • Overwashing, which strips the natural oils of the hair and leaves it dry and brittle
  • Excessive heat styling with cheap tools without taking into account the best temperature for each hair type
  • Harsh chemical treatments such as perming and colouring;
  • Environmental factors like exposure to sun, wind and other elements.

How to fix it: When you are suffering from dry hair, it is essential to provide it with proper hydration, and protect it from harmful free radicals in the environment.

You can do that by using a hydrating serum such as NuMe Sleeky in a Bottle, one of the best nourishing and deeply hydrating serums for maintaining moisture and scalp care.

2. Frizziness

Among the most common hair problems that many of us suffer from is frizziness. Frizzy hair is mostly caused by a lack of moisture - when the hair is dry or damaged, the moisture from the air enters the open hair shaft and causes it to swell.

This leads to frizz, a condition in which the hair fibres run in multiple directions without aligning, which causes a rough irregular texture. The most common causes are:

  • Humidity - it causes the hair to absorb moisture from the air, which leads to the shaft swelling and becoming frizzy
  • Lack of hair care - excessive brushing or combing, harsh chemical treatments, as well as overuse of heat styling tools without taking the right measures can also strip your hair of moisture, causing it to become more prone to frizz.

How to fix it: To get rid of frizz, make sure that you are avoiding factors that make your hair dry, such as overwashing, applying excessively high temperatures with your flat iron, and not protecting your hair from humidity.

In addition, make sure to use a hydrating serum that boosts elasticity and eliminates frizz without weighing  the hair down.

common hair problems - frizzy hair

3. Heat-damaged hair

When it comes to common hair problems, many women show signs of heat-damaged hair caused by:

  • Using low-quality tools made of cheap materials
  • Flat ironing wet hair without fully drying, or washing while the hair is dirty
  • Heat styling without applying a heat protectant
  • Exposing hair to high temperatures frequently

When the hair is damaged by heat, it is often dull, dry and brittle, with a lot of frizziness that’s difficult to tame. It also has a higher porosity and suffers commonly from split ends.

How to fix it: to fix heat-damaged hair, make sure that you are using a high-quality flat iron with tourmaline plates and a negative ion conditioning technology which helps to seal in moisture and doesn’t cause further damage.

To speed up the repair process, using gentle and nourishing products without harsh chemicals - such as the NuMe Vegan Tourmaline hair care set, is also a must. And last but not least, don’t forget to regularly trim your hair, and protect it from heat.

4. Oily scalp

An oily scalp is caused by the overproduction of sebum, the natural oil produced by the scalp to lubricate and protect the hair. The production of the sebum can be influenced by many factors, from hormonal imbalances to stress and genetics.

However, one of the biggest reasons why many women suffer from an oily scalp is due to overwashing. While it may seem counteractive, washing your hair too many times can actually be damaging as it strips the hair of its natural oils and dries out the scalp.

As a result, the scalp produces more oil to compensate, leading to the hair feeling and looking greasy.

How to fix it: make sure that you avoid over-washing. For most people, washing your hair two or three times per week is more than enough.

5. Breakage and split ends

Split ends and hair breakage are undoubtedly among the most common hair problems that women tend to suffer from. They occur when the strands are broken, typically caused by a lack of moisture.

There are multiple factors that contribute to split ends, including:

  • Nutritional deficiencies if you don’t replenish the protein, vitamins and minerals required for a strong healthy hair;
  • Overuse of heat styling tools at high temperatures without taking the right measures, such as applying a thermal heat protectant;
  • Improper hair care - including aggressive brushing, overwashing, too frequent hair colouring, improper towel drying, and lack of regular hair trims.

How to fix it: make sure that you are taking proper care of your hair without being excessive at any step of your hair care routine. Reduce heat damage by using a thermal styling tool that uses negative ion conditioning technology with adjustable control settings.

In addition, you can improve breakage and split ends by using an end sealer such as the NuMe Seal the Deal, which smooths out the hair cuticles and provides a protective layer to the hair.

6. Slow hair growth

While hair growth is largely determined by genetics - and age, there are other factors that can affect it, such as high levels of stress, poor nutrition, hair damage, as well as certain medications.

The rate of normal hair growth can vary depending on the individual. However, on average, hair grows about 0.5 inches (1.25 cm) per month, or about 6 inches (15 cm) per year.

How to fix it: To promote healthy hair growth, make sure that you maintain a healthy diet rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. Getting regular exercise and managing stress levels can also contribute positively.

And last but not least, try to avoid damage from your hair care routine at all costs - use your flat iron at the right temperature, use a thermal heat protectant, and never flat iron your hair while wet or dirty.

7. Dandruff

Dandruff is a common condition that occurs when the scalp becomes dry or oily, leading to the development of white or yellow flakes of dead skin that can be itchy and unsightly. It is among the most common hair problems for men, but can also affect women.

This condition can be caused by fungal infections, dry scalp due to cold weather or low humidity, oily scalp, as well as skin conditions and hormonal changes.

How to fix it: To prevent dandruff, it’s important to maintain good scalp hygiene by washing your hair regularly with a gentle shampoo and conditioner such as the NuMe Vegan Tourmaline Hair Care Set. This will keep the scalp deeply moisturized.

common hair problems - dry hair - nume vegan tourmaline

8. Colour-damaged hair

While we love changing hairstyles and trying out different colours, it is not a surprise that colour-damaged hair is among the most common hair problems that we typically face over the course of our lives.

The damage occurs when the hair has been subjected to harsh chemicals found in hair dyes or bleaching agents. These chemicals can break down the hair's natural proteins and damage the hair shaft, leading to a range of problems, including:

  • Loss of shine
  • Tangles and knots
  • Weakness and dryness
  • Scalp irritation

How to fix it: Prevention is always better than the cure, so it’s important to choose hair-quality hair dyes that use natural ingredients and are not very harsh to the hair. Generally speaking, try to avoid over-processing your hair and give it breaks frequently.

Additionally, using a shampoo, conditioner and hair mask for coloured hair is a must, as they are formulated to address the specific needs of a dyed or bleached hair.

9. Hair loss

There are a wide range of conditions that can cause hair loss, including medications and medical conditions such as systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus) and syphilis.

It can also happen as a result of hormonal changes, for example ones that happen during pregnancy, menopause, or thyroid disorders. Physical or emotional stress can also lead to temporary hair loss, a condition called telogen effluvium.

How to fix it: As opposed to other common hair problems, hair loss can also be a symptom of a more serious underlying issue. For this reason, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a dermatologist specialized in hair loss in order to determine the most appropriate treatment.

10. Premature greying

While the exact cause of premature greying is not known, it is generally believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. It usually occurs when the hair starts to turn grey before the ages of 35-40.

On top of genetic factors, lifestyle factors and medical conditions, it can also happen as a result of oxidative stress. It occurs when there is an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the body's ability to neutralize them.

This leads to damage to cells and tissues, which also include hair follicles. Premature greying is thought to be linked to increased oxidative stress in hair follicles.

How to fix it: If you have a genetic predisposition to premature greying, it may be difficult or impossible to prevent it. However, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, get proper nutrition to eliminate deficiencies, and manage stress levels to slow down the process.

Frequently Asked Questions about Hair Problems

What are signs of unhealthy hair?

Some signs of unhealthy hair include breakage and split ends, lack of elasticity and natural volume, as well as having dull, dry and brittle hair. If you are suffering from excessive hair shedding or breaking and snapping, this could also be a sign of unhealthy hair.

How should healthy hair feel?

Healthy hair should feel soft and smooth when you slide a hair strand between your fingers. An easy slide without stumbling on rough textures, knots and tangles means that your hair is healthy.

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