Suffering From Postpartum Hair Loss? Here's 5 Key Things You Need to Know

Suffering From Postpartum Hair Loss? Here's 5 Key Things You Need to Know

7 min read

Pregnancy and childbirth are among the most beautiful events that a woman can experience throughout her life - without any doubt, bringing a new life into this world offers an unmatched joy and happiness.

However, the process of childbirth also comes with certain physical changes, and among the most common ones is postpartum hair loss - a frequent phenomenon of excessive hair shedding that many women experience during childbirth, between 40 and 50 percent of women.

While hair loss after pregnancy may be disheartening as you see your beautiful mane thinning, it is important to keep in mind that it is normal and temporary in almost all of the cases. In this article, we will take you through everything you need to know about postpartum hair loss - from causes and treatments to prevention.

So, without further ado, let's get right into it:

1. What is postpartum hair loss?

Postpartum hair loss, or postpartum telogen effluvium, is a temporary condition experienced by many women after childbirth. It is caused by a hormonal shift from hair growth phase during pregnancy to normalization of hormone levels after giving birth, which triggers excessive hair shedding.

It is estimated that almost half of women will experience postpartum hair loss to some degree, and it is a phenomenon that typically occurs between two to four months post-delivery.

It's important to keep in mind that it is a natural and temporary process that doesn't damage the hair follicles, and the hair growth cycle will gradually return to its normal pattern after a few months.

2. What causes postpartum hair loss?

The main cause of postpartum hair loss is hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and after childbirth. During pregnancy, the female body produces an elevated level of hormones (particularly estrogen), which extends the growth phase of the hair and makes it thicker.

This is known as the anagen phase, which is essentially a period of active hair growth - it's also the reason why some pregnant women experience fuller and thicker hair during pregnancy.

However, after childbirth, hormone levels drop to pre-pregnancy levels - especially estrogen and progesterone, causing an abrupt hormonal shift that disrupts the hair growth cycle. This leads to excessive hair shedding due to the fact that a significant number of hair follicles enter the telogen (resting) phase.

postpartum hair loss

3. Can you prevent postpartum hair loss?

Postpartum hair loss is a natural process that happens as a result of hormonal changes, making it challenging to prevent entirely. However, maintaining a balanced diet, gentle hair care, and managing stress can support hair health during this period.

Because this particular postpartum hair loss cause is a result of hormonal changes that happen during the pregnancy process, there is no guaranteed postpartum hair loss prevention. However, there are some preventive measures that you can take to reduce the hormonal shift impact:

  • Maintain a balanced diet rich in Omega-3, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and proteins. Eating healthy foods is essential for healthy hair growth.
  • Staying hydrated is a must to ensure that your hair and body are getting an adequate amount of water - water is a crucial component of the hair shaft, and dehydration may contribute to hair thinning and hair loss.
  • Gentle hair care - excessive brushing and harsh treatments can be damaging to your hair, which will add further tension to it and worsen the impact of the changing hormonal levels. Instead, use a wide-toothed comb and avoid aggressive hairstyles.
  • Hair supplements - some hair supplements and prenatal vitamins can be beneficial for promoting overall hair health, and they can be a good preventive measure for postpartum hair loss. We recommend to consult it with a healthcare provider.
  • Manage stress - high stress levels can contribute to hair loss, so managing stress through relaxation techniques, meditation and activities you enjoy can be quite beneficial.

Even though you can't fully prevent postpartum hair loss, the good news is that the hair growth cycle will typically return to normal within a few months as hormone levels stabilize.

4. What are some good treatments for postpartum hair loss?

In a similar manner to postpartum hair loss prevention, there are a few postpartum hair loss treatments and excessive hair shedding remedies after childbirth. 

Balanced nutrition

Balanced nutrition is important if you are looking for a postpartum hair loss treatment - it promotes growth and overall hair health

Maintaining an active lifestyle and eating foods rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and other essential elements - such as nuts and seeds, fruit, nuts and seeds and salmon can help you recover your beautiful, healthy hair faster.

Heat styling

Hair is in a more delicate state after childbirth, which means that excessive styling on high temperatures can be damaging, especially if you are using low-quality thermal hair styling tools.

You don't have to stop heat styling postpartum, but it's important to use a high-quality tool with adjustable temperature settings for minimizing damage as much as possible.

The award-winning NuMe Megastar Flat Iron is a great option because it's made from the gemstone tourmaline, which emits negative ions that seal in moisture and allows for heat styling without the damage.

nume megastar flat iron

Stress management

In addition, stress management is also important for postpartum hair loss because stress can contribute to hair shedding and exacerbate hair loss.

When a woman experiences high levels of stress, it can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle by pushing more hair follicles into the telogen phase (resting phase). This can lead to an increased shedding of hair, a condition known as telogen effluvium.

Managing stress through relaxation techniques, mindfulness, exercise, or seeking support from friends and family can be beneficial for overall well-being and may help reduce the impact of stress on hair health.

Hair care

Since hair is more delicate after childbirth, one of the best postpartum hair loss treatments is ensuring proper hair care. Using a shampoo and conditioner made from natural ingredients and without parabens is essential to keep your hair properly hydrated and moisturized.

The NuMe Vegan Tourmaline Hair Care is a perfect option if you are looking for a good treatment for postpartum hair loss - it contains 11 amino acids and tourmaline powder that smooths, hydrates, and leaves the hair looking healthy and shiny. 


Is postpartum hair loss normal?

Yes, postpartum hair loss is entirely normal. The cause of postpartum hair loss is hormonal fluctuations after childbirth, leading to temporary hair shedding.

This process affects around 40-50% of women and usually resolves on its own within a few months. Maintaining a balanced diet and hair care can help support hair health during this phase.

When does postpartum hair loss occur?

Postpartum hair loss typically occurs a few months after giving birth. It usually starts around two to four months post-delivery, but the timing can vary among women.

This delay is due to the hormonal changes during pregnancy, which prolong the hair's growth phase.

As hormone levels return to pre-pregnancy levels after childbirth, many hair follicles enter the resting phase, leading to increased shedding.

While this phase can be distressing for some, it is essential to remember that it's a natural and temporary process, and hair growth usually returns to normal within a few months.

How long does postpartum hair loss last?

The duration of postpartum hair loss varies among individuals. In most cases, it lasts for about six months after onset, but it can extend up to a year for some women.

As hormone levels stabilize and the hair growth cycle returns to normal, the shedding gradually subsides, and hair regrowth resumes.

While the process can be distressing, it is essential to remember that postpartum hair loss is temporary, and most women see improvement in hair density within several months.

How much hair loss is considered normal after childbirth?

After childbirth, experiencing increased hair shedding is considered normal. On average, new moms may lose 100 to 125 hairs per day, which is a temporary condition known as postpartum hair loss.

It typically lasts for several months but should gradually resolve as the hair growth cycle returns to normal. If hair loss is excessive or persists beyond a year, it's best to consult a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying issues.

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